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Validate PDF documents

  • Documents sent to an Office for use in the PCT process are converted to pure black and white format. This means that the end result does not always appear as intended. This will always be the case for documents containing color or greyscale images, but other problems can occur, such as:
    • - the document is not in an acceptable size or orientation (it should be A4 portrait, US letter size is also acceptable provided that sufficient margin space is included).
    • - black and white line art, if created using color or greyscale file format, may appear as dark grey instead of black.
    • - images including transparency information may display unexpected lines and may not show the lower layer information.
  • This converter shows how a PDF file submitted directly to the International Bureau will be rendered, as well as warning messages if potential problematic content is detected in the file. It is likely that it will closely reflect how the PDF will look like if submitted to other Offices that will convert it to black and white, as similar software is used by many Offices of the PCT.
  • Note: This service is provided on a secure web page and does not keep copies of the documents uploaded or converted beyond the period necessary to the conversion and allows the user to save a copy of the results. Nevertheless, it is recommended that it should be used with non-sensitive test documents. It should in particular not be used with real patent applications for which a foreign filing license is required for submission abroad and has not yet been obtained.
Please upload a PDF to validate